astrology coffee dunkin donuts starbucks zodiac signs

What coffee drink I think you would be based on your zodiac sign

Disclaimer: Don’t come for me, this is all for fun and laughs and based mainly on the stereotypes of the signs, you may resonate with a different sign’s drink 🙂 Aries You guys are known for taking risks and being impulsive.  You tend to be ambitious individuals. You are also the first sign of the […]

coffee dunkin donuts summer

Dunkin’s Summer 2021 Menu Released

If you’ve been scrolling through social media lately, you might have say that Dunkin’s summer 2021 menu was leaked/released recently.  This menu shows all their upcoming new and reoccurring flavors, drinks, and foods they will be coming out with. One of the main things being released is their new addition of coconut refreshers.  Dunkin will […]