Hi, my name is Samaya Samaya Cooper, February 15, 2023February 22, 2023 And here we have a blog by a college student named Samaya where I will be giving advice based on my life as a content creator, photographer, entrepreneur, and a human being just like you. Other than advice, my blog will include entertainment/ opinionated topics that are connected to my youtube channel. As a beginner youtuber/ content creator, my goal right now is to figure out who my audience is and what they would like to see the most from me. My life consists of many different experiences and anything that I’m going through, someone else might be able to relate to. My videos youtube channel does not have a specific niche because I am trying to see what works best for me and my audience. Because my video topics are so broad, different groups of people may end up finding at least one useful thing. My blog posts will be explaining the reason why I decided to make a youtube video and how anyone could possibly take at least one thing from my videos and apply it to their own life. Whether you learn something new, find a new source of entertainment (me), or you just simply relate to something in my videos, I can guarantee you’ll take something away from either my posts or videos. I’m also a photographer on top of being an entrepreneur which is why I feel like my audience will benefit from my blog. I have a list of many skills and that list is continuously growing. Hopefully you can add one of my skills to your list. My goal when when I graduate is to become a social media manager and so all of my skills and experiences with this blog will definitely help me reach that goal. If you decide to stay tuned for my youtube videos and my blog posts you’ll definitely see what type of person I am. Share Tweet Share Email Messenger Entertainment content creatoryoutuber