Homework and Concentration!
Two things that are hard to put together when trying to get things done.
We all know how hard it is to keep yourself motivated, but it’s hard to concentrate while doing that.
I’ll be honest, I procrastinate! You got me, I admit it!
So now imagine it’s a Sunday night and I have three assignments that I could have done, but I had a lazy week and it didn’t happen.
Now, I wish I had done it and can’t concentrate because time is ticking.
Finishing up my third year as a college student I have learned some homework and concentration tips that have worked for me.
These may not work for everyone and they don’t work for me every time either.
Concentration depends on the day, what you ate, stress level, caffeine, hydration, etc.
Always remember to take care of your body and mind to be successful.

Study Beats:
Listening to music as background noise can help my concentration or honestly keep my energy/vibes positive to be motivated.
When choosing your music try to stay away from lyrics.
I don’t know about any of you but if any of my favorite songs come on, I’m immediately only focused on the song.
If you use a music app use key phrases/words like study beats, homework, study session to find a playlist.
When working on assignments that are more creative I find listening to these beats helpful.
I make a lot of menus, flyers, and Newsletters for my internship and listening to homework playlists helps boost my creativity.
The music puts me in a good mood and then I get to create social media and flyers students on my campus see.
Do Not Disturb:
DND sometimes saves my life.
I promise I have self control and I’m not on my phone 24/7.
When I’m doing homework I don’t feel like doing and I get a notification, I instantly get distracted.
It’s normal but it’s also so easy to get sucked in before you know it a few have passed and you have to gather your thoughts.
It’s not fun and then it takes even longer to finish an assignment because you can’t concentrate.
Silencing my phone restricts me from getting notifications so my phone won’t even be a distraction.
Some days I even just move out of my eye sight and I’ll completely forget about it.
It sucks to admit that sometimes phones are a distraction, but you can help prevent that distraction.

Finding Your Spot:
Finding a good study/homework spot is important.
It’s good to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t.
An example for me is that my bed isn’t the best place for me, even though I wish it was.
When looking at notes, and typing on my laptop I feel stuck in my bed and have to move my laptop to see my notes better.
It’s just always a mess.
In my room I have a desk that I use when I don’t feel like going on campus.
My desk is wide so I am able to fit everything I need and I can close my door for more privacy.
On campus finding spots with lots of natural light or plants are places I usually look for.
The environment you are in can weigh on your motivation and concentration.
Bringing a friend can also help just knowing that you are both going to get work done.
Working parallel with someone can help motivate and also just hang out doing your homework.
Bring A Snack:
Packing yourself a snack if you plan on studying on campus for a few hours will help keep you going.
Even just bringing some money for a vending machine can give your brain a reward for your work.
It’s also just nice to snack and have something to eat while working.
You won’t be able to concentrate when your stomach is grumbling.

I don’t have any tips about this besides don’t do it.
I’m kidding but my procrastination stems just from being lazy and wanting to do nothing.
Then it always comes back to me and oh wait! I still have to do it.
Throughout the week I just tell myself how good it would feel to get it done.
How much lighter my workload will be if I just take an hour to complete an assignment.
Right now I am typing this because I have to stop procrastinating my work.
Ironic right. For once taking my own advice.
There’s really no reason to do it and it just feels good to check one thing off the list.
Sometimes even just motivating yourself to do one assignment you might do two or finally put your laundry away after, I don’t know.
No one is alone when it comes to procrastinating, but it can also light a fire under you to not stress yourself out.
As I said before these don’t work for everyone because it depends on yourself and the day.
I hope my bad concentration and procrastination is relatable and that my tactics help others that struggle the way I do.