Belle is a five-year-old mini Australian Shepherd mix who is from Ohio. Belle is such a good girl and the main reason why we got her is that my house was broken into on Black Friday in November the day after Thanksgiving when my family enjoyed a family meal. My mom thought it was a good idea so nothing like this ever happened again. 

Belle is such a good dog when she wants to be and she also enjoys going on fun adventures in the car with the family. She especially loves going to our family beach which is located in Silver Creek, New York near Sunset Bay Beach. She enjoys going in the water with my dad who takes her kayaking and she loves playing fetch in the water as well. 

One thing that is interesting about Belle is more attached to my dad at the beach house. Belle is more attached to my mom when we are at home in Orchard Park, New York. It is so funny seeing the roles reserved depending on the place that we are at. Also, Belle loves going on car rides just around the town with my mom or I. She also enjoys going to Starbucks because she gets a pup cup when she is being a good dog and she likes going to get ice cream as well with my dad and my sister. 

 She enjoys playing with her toys at home and she also enjoys cuddling with my parents in their bed at night. She also enjoys people’s food as well when she is begging for it since my mom got her into it. Sometimes I tell my mom not to give her people food since some of it can be bad for dogs. Giving her treats would be better than giving her people’s food all the time. #lake #family #toys #dogs